“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” Albert Einstein
“My home is Heaven. I'm just traveling through this world.” Billy Graham
“If Christ has died for me, I cannot trifle with the evil that killed my Best Friend.” Charles Spurgeon
“Mature people develop the habit of extracting lessons from everyday experiences.” Rick Warren
“In His Hand is the Life of every living thing and the Breath of all mankind.” Job 12:10
“You must come to see how wonderful you are in God and how helpless you are in yourself.” Smith Wigglesworth
“At the beginning of our lives and the end, God alone will accompany you.” Meg Meeker M.D.
“The Holy Scriptures are Letters from Home.” Augustine
“Everything you've done wrong in life has already been paid for. That's what Jesus did on the Cross.” Rick Warren
The broad path is heavily traveled, but if you choose the Narrow Path there may be times when you won't see anyone but JESUS. Matt. 7:13-14
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